Monday, October 26, 2009

Flashback time - July 4, 2009

Let's set this up a bit....Elizabeth is 10 mins from coming to get me to go to a friend's house for a bonfire..I am in my backyard cleaning up from a fire we had 2 days earlier (burned a couch) that was still so hot all I had to do was put a piece of newspaper in the pit and it burst into flames...

ring ring

Elizabeth looks at caller ID sees it's Becky

E: Hello?

B: Blkjoiau lkejgowiajhio giknjao;ighoih lgkwjeoaigh (vaguely sounding as if it could be Spanish)

E: pulls phone away from head and verifies it is indeed a call from B's phone.

E: What?

B: I gotta go to the hospital I think I broke my toe...

E: What did you do?


E: OMG! You are a re tard....I'm on my way....

B: Ah, ok, ok, (heavy breathing), I watched my toe move to the left....ouch ouch ouch!

Elizabeth informs Les that she is off to transport Becky, who may or may not have broken her toe, to the hospital. Also, he should go ahead and head off to their friend's house and she'll meet him there afterwards. But NOOOOO no no no he'll wait and not meet them out there, because stubborn he is. Also, paranoid he is, and he thinks that somehow his doing what she has asked him to do will end up with her being angry with him. Logic is not Les' strongsuit, but I'm sure this will be seen in further adventures. But I digress. So off Elizabeth goes in her trusty Aztek.

Arriving at Becky's she sees that Becky has somehow procured crutches. With the aid of her loving and helpful daughter Anna, Becky makes it to Elizabeth's car and off they speed to the wonderous world that is Wyandotte Hospital.

We are hobbling down the walkway, which is a pretty steep hill when your on crutches, and we enter the emergency entrance...

H: Hi. What are you here for?

B: (in a shaky voice) look (as I still my foot out)

E: her toe...we think it's broken..

H: Ok, well go through those doors and they'll call you...

B&E: hahahahha!

B: these crutches suck! C'mon, why can't they take me straight back, can't they see my toe pointing in the opposite direction??

E: I know, I know, it'll be o.k...

B: Well, I mean seriously, this is stupid, and I'm sober..........

N(nurse): next....

B&E: that's us...(hobble into the little curtain area)

N: so, what happened?

B: I hit my toe on a tree stump...


N: Ouch; well, let's see...(confirming info)......

B&E: talking amongst themselves, laughing...

B: to nurse: I'm sober by the way...(it is 4th of July)....

N: Ah, hahaha!

E: you are a re tard....

N: lol did you guys see The Hangover??

B&E: lol, yes we did! lol!


  1. In my defense, I was stone sober and I heard it a totally different way:

    B to E: you need to come get me and take me to the hospital (as calm as calm can be)...

    For the record...not broken, dislocated. Had to get shots to get put back in place and couldn't cry because they put me in the little kids area and I didn't want to freak them out. Needless to say, Elizabeth should've gotten an x-ray of her hand when all was said and done!

    Remember: SOBER!
